Pet Psychic helps Kansas City Chiefs fan find her lost cat during the 2020 Super Bowl. It is a win,

Rebecca contacted me for an appointment to help locate her lost cat Joplin just as the Super Bowl 2020 began. Rebecca is a big Kansas City Chiefs fan but, she felt she could not fully enjoy watching the big game while her cat was missing. Rebecca set her DVR to record the game and called me for a pet psychic animal communication lost pet session to help locate Joplin.
We both agreed that it would be great if she could find Joplin and her favorite sports team won. Thankfully, Joplin is home and the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl! I communicated with Joplin and found out that she was alive, but had just been bullied by another neighborhood cat. I made some suggestions to help Rebecca coax Joplin out of hiding.
Rebecca of Kansas City, Kansas wrote a wonderful testimonial of my pet psychic services to help locate her cat Joplin.
"I want to thank you for your consultation about our missing cat, Joplin, just before the Super Bowl on Sunday. The KC Chiefs won, and Joplin returned herself home about 2 am on Wednesday morning. We looked for and called her after the SB and every evening since. I thought I saw her in our back yard Tuesday evening...unfortunately, being chased by another of our cats, Shadow. He came in right after that; she didn't. My husband woke up in the middle of the night and went out on our back porch, and she came right up the steps to see him and go inside with him. It was getting much colder that night, and I'm sure it motivated her to come in. She appears well-fed and fine. While I cannot say we found her in the exact location you described since she chose to come in on her own, I can say that she is very much alive and OK as you told me. After really looking at our neighborhood, I was somewhat amused to realize that the only bushes I can see that branch out in all directions are the one(s) in my back yard and the big overgrown evergreens in my next door neighbor's front yard. Both of these bushes are popular with the cats for hunting and hanging out. I have reason to believe she was very close to home the entire time she was "missing" - that would be missing for us but simply out and about for her, apparently. Thank you for you help! It really did give me peace of mind."