Skeptical Portland, Oregon family is impressed when Pet Psychic helps locate their lost cat.

Angela of Portland, Oregon contacted a Pet Psychic because her cat Sammy had been missing for several days . Angela feared the worst because they live near a greenbelt area with known predators. Angela had alerted her neighbors and looked everywhere she thought Sammy might hide.
When I communicated with Sammy, she let me know that she was within 2 blocks of their home, near a tan house where she had seen a boy playing outside with a basket ball and there was a sewer pipe nearby.
When I shared the good news with Angela, she let me know she was relieved and would keep up her search for Sammy.
Angela called me back later that day to let me know that Sammy had been found at their neighbor's tan house by two boys. Angela was impressed with my psychic abilities because the location where Sammy was found is within 2 blocks of her home, does have a basketball hoop, two teenage boys and a sewer pipe across the street.
Angela said that she and her family are “over the moon” to have Sammy home. Angela also told me that when she told her mother that she called a pet psychic her mother was skeptical, but when Angela told her mother what I had shared about Sammy's location, Angela's mother was impressed. Angela did not think it was a coincidence that all of those facts came together to get Sammy home and safe.