San Luis Obispo, California lost dog found with help of animal communicator.

Lindsey of San Luis Obispo, California contacted an animal communicator when her dog Trudy went missing. Trudy had gotten out of their new house. When a well meaning neighbor saw Trudy, the neighbor tried to grab Trudy. But, Trudy is a very skittish dog and ran off.
Everyone in Lindsey's family had joined in on the search, with no success. Lindsey was especially flustered because she knew that Trudy would probably not come when called due to Trudy's skittish nature, but calling out for Trudy was all that Lindsey could do to get Trudy home.
When I communicated with Trudy, she shared that she was about one block away, near a sprinkler head, some clumping grass, a big picture window and a string of lights and an overhanging tree.
When I mentioned the details of Trudy's location to Lindsey, she said she knew the home Trudy described. Lindsey followed my directions and some suggestions I made to help coax Trudy out of hiding.
Lindsey called back with good news. Trudy had come back into their yard the next day.
Lindsey of San Luis Obispo writes:
"We will be referring our friends to you. We truly believe you helped bring Trudy home!