Lorain, Ohio shelter cat finds a forever home with the help of a volunteer and animal communicator.

Jonny of Loraine, Ohio volunteers at a cat shelter. A semi-feral cat named Autis was surrendered by a woman who had been feeding him. The woman already had several cats in her home and had room for no more. Autis lived under the woman’s porch, was mostly friendly, roamed the neighborhood but, showed up diligently for food each day.
Sadly, Autis had already been bumped by a car once and the woman had taken Autis in to the veterinarian and gotten him fixed up. However, the woman worried for Autis’s safety so she brought him into the shelter where Jonny volunteered.
Autis did not fare well at the shelter. He cowered in the cage, did not like the other cats and did not do well when people came in looking to adopt a cat. Jonny saw the woman who had surrendered Autis come in to visit him often. She would bring treats and Autis would perk right up when he saw her.
Jonny was worried that Autis would never be adopted out due to the fact that he was an older male cat. Most people who come into shelters are looking for younger cats, so the odds of Autis being adopted were not good.
Jonny contacted me to find out what Autis wanted for his life. Did he want to live indoors? Did he want a permanent home? Did he want to roam the streets and, if so, did he understand the dangers of roaming the streets?
When I communicated with Autis, he shared that he loved being an outdoor cat. It suited him perfectly to be able to make his rounds in the neighborhood each day. He loved to greet the woman at her door each as well. He thought of himself as her personal best friend.
Autis also shared that he desperately wanted to go back to his home under her porch. Yes, Autis knew there were dangers, but even so, he would take them and have no regrets even if something bad happened.
Jonny shared Autis’s wishes with the woman. Thankfully, it was what convinced the woman to bring Autis home.
Jonny of Lorain, Ohio writes:
“Hello Hilary,
I am happy to report that Autis is back home with his owner.
I called her the same day that I spoke to you. She was surprised at first, but she believed me and told me she would pick Autis up from the shelter Saturday.
She came instead the following day, telling me she couldn't wait.
Autis stays very close to home now, meeting her at the door when it's time for breakfast. She provided him with shelter, but she thinks he still spends time under the house.
Attached are some photos she sent me.
Just wanted you to know this was truly a happy ending.”