New South Wales, Australia missing, trapped cat found with help of animal communicator.

The hole where Harry was found.
Rhondda of New South Wales, Australia contacted me when her beloved cat Harry went missing. Below Rhonda writes a testimonial about how I helped locate Harry. She also sent a picture of the hole where she found Harry with my help.
"Dear Hilary,
My neighbour Elizabeth (who came around during the reading and who was helping the search for Harry), and I went straight to the house described by Hilary two doors away, and there he was, trapped behind a small, almost closed access door (ground level, at the rear of the building) leading to the home’s foundations. He had been unable to get out. We could not, and still cannot believe it! Words will never be able to thank you enough, Hilary. We must have found him within about ten minutes!
He was gone for five heartbreaking days. Hilary is Harry’s angel and without her would not be here with us today.
Here are Harry and I with, as promised, a little more feedback about his adventure.... I’ll refer to some of the interesting points that came through during the consultation. He saw two people in our street ... one with a light brown ponytail and the other dark-haired with a wrist band with studs or a chain-link … gave each other a bear hug … there was a silver/white/tan hatchback car.
I haven’t seen people or a car exactly like this – yet, but there are certainly quite a few men with baseball caps / painter’s cap working next door that I’ve noticed. I’ll keep my eye out (discreetly), but what I really find fascinating is that Harry notices these details about people and cars. It has occurred to me that the light brown hair may even be naturally dark and chemically lightened -- I'll keep my eye out.
He saw a table or flat board supported by posts. May have tarp or sheet of plastic on it. … garden furniture Immediately next door (in the front yard, due to the excavation and renovation that is occurring at the rear) there is a clothes-airer that looks a little like an outdoor table, and is draped with washing daily. (Undignified for a front garden, but then they are renovating.) Or some kind of builders’ table may have been there on the day Harry went missing, I’m not entirely sure. There is garden furniture including a table on the back verandah above where he was located two doors up.
He jumped near some trees near where the person with the ponytail was. Yes, these trees are there.
The house he is at is dark reddish brick … and we narrowed it down to a pebbly texture, concrete drive, small pebbles. Yes, the front bricks are darkish red, more grey/brown at the back. This house has a concrete pebble-dashed driveway – very tiny pebbles. Went into a hole in that building ... underneath ... went too far and is afraid to come out. Yes, the ‘hole’ was the entrance to underneath the house down the side / back, and he certainly would have been very frightened with those jackhammers and bobcats working for hours over several days – they were only feet away from him, in the house in between. Initially I had in mind like a hole in the garden ... but of course -- there are many different types of holes. It may have something to do with construction noise from the house next door. This is innate, reactive behaviour for cats ... wait till there was no noise ... look underneath ... there is a hole, dark, at ground level. Sit near the hole and gain his confidence ... try the next house along first before the house directly next door where the construction is going on.
Yes – he was two doors up exactly! This hole (entrance) that he got through is always left open a little for ventilation I later found out, but it was not open wide enough for Harry to exit from after he squeezed through in fright to get away from the noise. Either he closed it himself from the inside and trapped himself in (it wedges hard up against a sort of step, and is quite stiff, even for a human to shove open at a certain point) or it was closed that little bit too much when the elderly owner’s relative’s were looking for him, if indeed they specifically did look there – I am not sure yet. Because there was no construction on the day he was found, possibly due to early rain, it was quiet. When we located the hole, there was a dusty little face peeking out from the darkness behind little door, waiting for us! We couldn’t believe it. I actually think that he may have closed the little door on himself, He must have been trying to get out, and some of his claws are very worn down. He shut himself in a bedroom this way the other day, but if there is anything I learned, it’s not to take completely at face value how thoroughly other people say they’ve looked, even though they mean the best. We told the owner of the house briefly about you and how you directed us there when we found him (she was most surprised as her grandson had already had a look around on day 3). A few days later she rang to see how Harry was doing and I told her more fully. She was most accepting and gracious of the way in which he turned up.
I’ve attached an image of Harry’s ‘hole’. Apologies for the quality, I had to take it quite quickly and it’s a bit blurry. The back verandah is above slightly left. As you can see, it’s a very dark place. Harry would died without your help Hilary and as we sit cosily in front of the heater on a cold, autumn Southern Hemisphere night, we are so grateful, and so very, very happy. With our deepest gratitude and love from Rhondda and Harry"