Amherst, Massachusetts missing cat found with help of animal communicator. Cat owner writes a glowin

Sean of Amherst, Massachusetts contacted me because his cat Jeffery had been missing for eight days. Sean mentioned that he thought there was a strong possibility that Jeffery had passed over because of predators in their rural area.
When I communicated with Jeffery, he showed me that he had followed a path in the woods, come to 2 buildings that had odd looking roofs and then he saw a bicycle. Jeffery was feeling spooked so he was not planning on coming home soon.
Sean followed the path that Jeffery mentioned, found the two buildings and the bicycle. Then Sean saw Jeffery!
Sean of Amherst, Massachusetts writes:
"Thank you so very much for your accurate and invaluable help in helping us locate our Jeffrey. Your location information was spot on!!! We found Jeffrey down a path that you described. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your help was outstanding and He was within spitting distance of a shed/barn with two roofs and old broken down bicycles in the thickets around it! He is fine and healthy, grateful to be back home with Julius and Sean and aside from being a bit lighter, seems to be no worse for the wear after his 8 day adventure and our 8 day ordeal. You are amazing! Many blessings for all than great work you do for all of us."