Illinois Scared Kitty is Coaxed Home

Paula of Illinois called me just hours after her indoor cat Sammy had slipped out of their door. Paula had looked everywhere and even heard a cat fight nearby, but she still could not figure out Sammy's location. Paula did not want Sammy out all night and worried for his safety.
When I communicated with Sammy, he told me that he had gone out the door, then across and open space, then he came to a wall and he had managed to hide just under the wall or just next to it. Sammy was frightened and even though he had heard Paula's voice, he was just too afraid to come forward.
I suggested Paula go quietly sit by the wall for a while. Paula had her doubts as to whether it would work, but she sat outside for two hours until Sammy came out of hiding towards her. Hooray!
Paula of Illinois writes: "I thank you thank you Hillary. He just came back. Your directions and information were excellent. I appreciate all that you get from the bottom of my heart!"