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TM took Jakey, a feral cat, into her home and bottle-fed him back to health. Unfortunately, he just disappeared one day.

When I communicated with Jakey he let me know that he had gone wild again and was eating out of a neighbor's cat dish that was very dirty and crusted with food. He told me he was about one block away, living in a taupe-gray home where a woman with shoulder length brown hair lived. He told me the woman had children and their home had a "country" look. Jakey told me he was living underneath the neighbor's deck and that there were several cats in the area eating out of the same dish as well. Jakey let me know that he had befriended a black, orange and white cat who lived in the neighbor's house.

TM alerted all of her neighbors and within 15 minutes of each other two ladies called and said they had seen Jakey on their deck.

TM of Fresno, CA writes:

"I received two calls yesterday. The callers lived two doors apart and both had sightings of him. What was really amazing was you described both homes to a tee. They are both taupe gray and have a "country" look. I went to the first home and saw the black, orange and white cat that you had described. The woman who lived there had seen him eating out of her cat's bowl. At the second home, a woman with shoulder length brown hair had seen Jakey. You mentioned how they were washing the cat's bowl, as it was messy.

Thank you so much! We are so happy to have little Jakey home with us again. We call the last two weeks "Jakey's Big Adventure. Thank you."

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