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Fort Meyers Florida cat came out of hiding.jpg


CH's Persian cat, Ashley managed to slip out of the house one evening and no one could find her anywhere. Both CH and her husband, MH, were beside themselves with worry for Ashley's safety, as she had never been outside before.

When I contacted Ashley, she let me know that a black Labrador dog that lived at the right end of the block had chased her. She told me that she was hiding near a short wooden footbridge over a culvert at the left end of the block and was too afraid to come out for fear of the black Labrador dog.

CH knew the dog I mentioned and the short wooden footbridge at the end of the block but was not able to find Ashley anywhere.

Unable to sleep, MH got up to take another look outside for Ashley. He saw her sitting two doors to the left, scooped her up and brought her back inside. It was 1:30 AM, but MH woke CH up and asked her to "come take a look" at something out in their living room. CH almost fainted with relief. There was Ashley safe and sound.

CH of Fort Meyers, FL writes:

"We are just so happy to have found her. I believe you had a lot to do with Ashley not being afraid to leave her hiding place and come out to a visible place (especially one so close to our home) so we could find her." THANK YOU for your help! We are one happy family today with one amazing story."

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