Show Cat Found!

Dawn R. of Delaware contacted me because her Sphynx cat Promise had been missing for a week. Promise had become spooked and ran away from their yard when a neighbor tried to approach him. Dawn had searched and even hired a search and rescue dog to try and locate Promise to no avail.
When I communicated with Promise he told me was hiding in the yard of a home within 3 homes of Dawn’s house. Promise said there were 2 young girls who had recently been in the yard. Promise had heard them talking. He had also seen a man or boy wearing a padded football uniform. Promise said he was suffering from an allergic reaction because someone in the yard next to him had recently mowed their yard.
When I described the area, Dawn said she knew exactly the yard Promise described and the 2 young girls. She also said that Dawn’s son had gone over to that yard the day before to look for Promise. Dawn’s son was wearing his football uniform when he searched for Promise. Also the their next door neighbor had mowed his yard the day before.
Dawn went over to the yard of the home where the girls live and sat down. She told one of the girls she was looking for Promise and for everyone to be quiet. Just then, the girl noticed Promise hiding in a tire that sat in the yard.
Hooray! Dawn was so happy to bring Promise home. She was so amazed that I could help find her missing cat so quickly.