Kitten's Big Adventure
Melissa contacted me after her small 5-month-old kitten Smitty disappeared from her back yard early one morning. Melissa searched in every location that she could imagine Smitty might have gone, but there were no signs of Smitty.
When I communicated with Smitty, he let me know that he was fine. He had gone around the corner to the front left of Melissa's home by some cars and crawled down a small hole where only a small kitten could fit. He had then traveled through the hole a distance of about two houses and was in a semi-dark area where the sounds around him were muffled. Smitty assured me that he was having a great time playing down in his new "hiding place."
Melissa of Cathedral City, California writes:
"Hilary could not have been more accurate in her description of Smitty's location. I found a small water drainage hole in the front of my house to the left that led to a pipe where Smitty had crawled about 25 yards. I found him looking up at me from another drainage hole in the middle of the street. It was semi dark down there and the sounds would have been muffled down in that pipe. Just like Hilary said, when I found him, he looked up at me as if he had just found a new place to play. I can't describe how thankful I am for all the time and care Hilary put in to helping me find Smitty."