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About Hilary Renaissance, Lost Pet Psychic and Animal Communicator

Lost pet psychic Hilary Renaissance offers invaluable professional assistance helping her clients find their lost pets. With her expertise and intuitive knowledge, Hilary can help you find the answers you need to reunite with your furry family member.

Media, Publication and Professional


Hilary Renaissance brings compassion and insight to helping clients throughout the United States. Her goal is to work in partnership with her human and animal clients to bring them greater awareness and enjoyment of each other. She has studied with Penelope Smith, Carol Gurney and Morgine Jurdan. Hilary incorporates Reiki Healing Touch, Tellington TTouch, Flower Essence Therapy and other healing methods as a means of supporting well-being for animals and more satisfying relationships with their people friends.




Hilary has been a featured guest on:


* ABC TV's Seattle KOMO 4 Evening News and CNN affiliate stations. Skeptical Reporter John Sharify investigates Hilary's ability to locate lost pets in a news segment titled "Meet the Amazing Pet Psychic," featuring testimonials from a Mississippi police chief and a lady in Redmond, Washington who found her cat with Hilary's assistance. 


WRCBTV Evening News feature.  News Reporter Jonquil Newland tells the dramatic story of how Pet Psychic Hilary helped a Tennessee family find their missing dog Kipper in an unfamilar city.  Kipper had jumped out of the family's car at a hospital emergency room enterance and had not been seen for 12 days before the family contacted Pet Psychic Hilary for her ability to locate missing dogs.


* The Record newspaper of New Jersey featured Hilary's psychic help locating a missing dog named Foster who disappeared in a 800 acre park on December 4, 2008. The dog was found stranded in a swamp and required rescue by helicopter. One of the dog's rescuers is quoted as saying "It was weird, but on the way to the swamp, we saw all of the things Hilary mentioned: The pallets; The discarded tires; and the area was mostly wetlands." Later on in the news story, Foster's owners were quoted as "being more than a little amazed" at Hilary's accuracy regarding Foster's location. 


* NBC TV's "The John Walsh Show," broadcast from Rockefeller Center, NY, "Women with Interesting Jobs." Hilary answers questions from a live studio audience.


* DJ Laurie Perrigin's Morning Show, WZZK 106.9 and 97.3, Birmingham, AL. Hilary give tips on how to locate lost pets and common mistakes people make in their search efforts.


* DJ Mike Sloane's Evening Program, WXL 700, Cincinnati, OH 


* DJ Bridgette Brady's Morning Show, WMXG-FM, Escanaba, MI 


*DJ Laurie Michaels Morning Show, KISW FM, Bellingham, WA 


* DJ Pastor Jack, 365live internet radio broadcast, "What is Animal Communication?"


* Audio Magazine interview with Claudia Christian, Hilary discusses the connection between human emotions and the emotions of their animal companions.


* ABC TV "Northwest Afternoon," broadcast live from KOMO 4 TV Studios in Seattle, WA. Audience members ask questions about their pets. Hilary solves mystery of whether an audience member's cat killed her pet snake.


* Star magazine. Hilary discusses what happens when rival celebrities' pets don't get along.


* Seattle Post Intelligencer daily newspaper article "Eat, sleep, bark, get acupuncture." Hilary is featured in an article about ways you can pamper your pet. 


* Featured Guest Interviews, An in-depth interview with Hilary about how she became an Animal Communicator. 


* ABC KOMO 4 Evening News, news segment "I Can Communicate With Animals." Hilary discusses how she helps locate lost animals.


*, article "Want to read Rover's mind? Hire a pet communicator" featuring Hilary's ability to help locate lost pets and how to select a quality animal communicator.

Read article at:


* Japan Pacific Publications, Seattle WA. Interview of Pet Psychic Hilary Renaissance and description of how she helped a cat overcome fear based behaviors.  

* Podcast Interview with Charlotte at the  Find out how Pet Psychic Hilary helps clients locate their lost furry friends including cats, dogs and even snakes.  Hilary discusses how she helps cats overcome litter box problems.



* "The Day the Cow Spoke and Midwestern America Listened" Spring 2002 edition, Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Animal Communication.



2002 - 2011, Pet Psychic for 11 Petco pet supply stores throughout Washington state. Hilary offered courtesy animal communication consultations to Petco guests and customers paid for by Petco Marketing Division at Petco store grand openings and other gala celebrations.


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